Jan’s Circle of Friends was founded with the purpose to take action and provide funds for programs that help make survivors out of victims.
Here’s why we do this...Location: Cocalico Track, Denver PA
Location: Bear Mill Estate, Denver PA
Location: IronSpire Complex, Adamstown PA
every year...
are at risk of exposure to domestic violence.
Children growing up with the loss of a parent suffer deep emotional pain on a daily basis. That loss can be death, but is also often due to incarceration. Regardless, in their grief, school, sports, relationships can all become a struggle.
under the age of 18 have a parent in prison.
Children can suffer even in the presence of their parents. According to the National Network to End Domestic Violence, one-half to two-thirds of the residents in domestic violence shelters are children.
is to increasingly aid in the provision of funds to programs and organizations that provide professional support and care to children in the community who are victims of domestic violence and parental loss.
“We are an organization built by actions. We keep operational cost to a minimum and drive 98% of funds raised directly into community programs that have been leading the way in making survivors out of victims.
Will you take action with us?”
Susan VanZant
Jan’s Circle of Friends, President
Sister to Jan Roseboro